View Full Version : Yacoin, Make money with your CPU [AUTO]

06-27-2013, 08:50 PM


First of all! What is Yacoin?!

YaCoin is a fork of Novacoin (arguably one of the most elegant Crypto-coin designs) with changes to guarantee long-term protection against GPU and ASIC mining. YaCoin also features ultra-fast transaction verification time. You can send, receive and verify payments in 60 seconds.

Long-term GPU and ASIC protection
Ultra-fast transactions (send and receive payments fast)
Long-term energy efficiency (via Proof-of-Stake mining)
High incentive CPU-only Proof-of-Work mining
Secure and robust (based on Novacoin code-base)
YaCoin has a base block reward of 100 coins that depends on the difficulty. The difficulty is also controlled by an "N-parameter" to the Scrypt hash function, whose purpose is to protect the network against GPUs and ASICs. Incrementing N will lead to immediate hashing speed decrease. The difficulty will reflect these speed changes (i.e., the difficulty will decrease after N++) with lags. As soon as block reward depends on difficulty the reward will increase also and more miners will be motivated to join after N++. It's not easy to predict now but we can be sure that some waves will happen on each N++ event.

In more simple words, is and online currency, alike Bitcoin

Oki, value on this currency?

The value of this currency is 100% determined by how much trust people have in this currency, more people using/mining it more value it's getting, the coin is about 2 months old, so it's pretty new, but more people using it everyday, and it's getting allot of attention this day, 2 day's ago it was in the British newspaper "the guardian". and new stores, casino's and trade sites open all the time, that uses Yac. so get on this early do earn so much as possible ^^,

[center]Getting started!

First you need to download a wallet, a wallet is the software to store the coin's you have. as no one is controlling the network, the coin is not stored on someone's server, or out of your control.
so the coin's are localy stored on your computer.

get the wallet here https://mega.co.nz/#!UowEmZYS!AAK7DVwYoTqy96oTRzUaLCS0UMsAfosJiRQmBn1 jzcA

Here is a picture of the wallet, and some simple things explained
http://yacointalk.com/guide/wallet.png (picture of wallet)

Here is your receiving addresses, you use this to get Yacoin's into your wallet!
you can generate addresses as you please, and there is no limit!
http://yacointalk.com/guide/wallet2.png (pictue of wallet)

Oki, now i got the wallet installed. how do i get these coin's?

First of all, do to Yacointalk.com Faucet! (http://faucet.yacointalk.com) e get your first coin, (this is a giveaway by the offical yacoin community, to attract more users!)


Many people think it's really hard to get into mining to earn coins, they think that it's complicated to configure the software needed etc, well i will make little guide here to make things really easy!
(if you don't know what mining is, just make a quik search, in simple words, this is how the coins are made)

First of all, register on a mining pool
A mining pool, is allot of people, connecting to one server, and the server send the hashes/work you submited into the network, and you get a share of the reward. this is practical since, there is allot of work needed to make this coins, and with a pool things go much faster, and you earn more.

so i use Yacointalk.com pool, the offical Yacoin community own pool, backed by their members.

Register at Yacointalk Pool! (http://pool.yacointalk.com)
http://yacointalk.com/guide/1pool.png (picture)

Then log in, and you will see this on the meny, click my workers
http://yacointalk.com/guide/2pool.png (picture)

and make yourself a worker, i got the worker "obermensch.1" with the password 123
Now you got an account, now you need a miner (software to connect to the website)

That you can get here https://mega.co.nz/#!IJRziTBD!ZCAKGC7fqYkyXsEDi9GB1RYiqIUqj2S9bEm6UI2 y1no

Get 64bit here

Unzip the file, and put it on you'r desktop, you should have a folder named win32 or win64

Now you need to go into the folder, and make a shortcut to minerd.exe[/size]


[color=red]And then we need to configure the miner, just mark the shortcut you just made, and leftclick it and push properties


after that, this windows should pop up,
Here you need to make the config.
Mine look like this

"C:\Users\BIGT\Desktop\SKRIVEBORD 2\win32\minerd.exe" -a scrypt-jane -o Yacointalk Pool! (http://pool.yacointalk.com:8337/) -u obermensch.1 -p 123 -t 8 -r 9999

Change "C:\Users\BIGT\Desktop\SKRIVEBORD 2\win32\minerd.exe"" to your desktop and switch " -u obermensch.1 -p 123" to the user and worker you made on the pool. and the "-t 8" to how many prosessor's you'r computer have, mine got 8 cores, so i use 8 treat on the miner, if you got 2, use -t 2 =)

If you configured everything like it should be, you should get this windows

If you do, everything works, and you earn coins! if not SHOOT ME PM TO ASK FOR HELP =)


The official Yacoin community forum : Yacointalk - Index (http://yacointalk.com)
The pool getting started page Yacointalk Pool! (http://pool.yacointalk.com/index.php?page=gettingstarted)
The service treat at Yacointalk, to see where you can spend yac's or trade them for USD
Yacoin services (updates often) (http://yacointalk.com/index.php/topic,28.0.html)

10-02-2013, 01:08 PM
Thanks for descriptive manual, i listened CPU mining is not yelding for Bitcoin, instead GPU (graphic card) is better? why is yacoin other? Can you please share your earning stats and payout proofs so you convince interested people?