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Investment in the mining sector is highly profitable business. The mining industry in Brazil is one of the basic elements of the economy. Recently, it shows high growth rates. Currently, it accounts for over 30% of GDP, about 40% of total industrial production and 35% of exports. Today, Brazil launched a program of forced industrial-innovative development.

At an early date we will have a radical modernization of the industry and create thousands of new workplaces. An important step is to increase the funding of exploration. Brazil produces more than 40 kinds of minerals. The most important are iron and manganese ore. Production of more than 200 million tons of iron ore per year, about 80% is exported. Brazil has one of the highest in the world in the production of bauxite.
Extraction of zinc, copper and nickel are for the domestic market. Brazil - the supplier of strategic raw materials: tungsten, niobium, zirconium, mica, etc. The accelerated pace of the mining and metallurgical industry sector, create favorable conditions for investments of various sizes. Putting a deposit in the mining industry in Brazil, you have a great chance to obtain high profits.

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