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Thread: fanslave easy trick to make money

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Cairo, Egypt, Egypt

    fanslave easy trick to make money

    this topic will consist of two parts.
    1st part is about fanslave and how it works
    2nd part will be a new smart way to make fast and easy money using the check4changes Firefox extension

    part 1:
    fanslave is a website where you can make money just by liking Facebook pages and following twitter pages , and you can also get fans for your page with the coins earned ( when you like a page you get coins + money ) , and you can earn more money just by referring and inviting your friends to the site , fan slave has one of the best referral systems which allows you to make more money easily .
    *you can win up to 10 cents per one like. depending on your fan rank. also you win a 15% commission of your referrals. all you need is a registered Facebook account with a display picture and some friends.

    Supported banks:


    To join fanslave you have to register a new account by visiting the website (please join my ref link below )
    Ref Link HERE
    Non Ref link HERE

    then login to your account and connect your Facebook account and do the same to your twitter account.

    after adding facebook account the new pages will appear

    right click and open in new tap then press like button at each one of them.
    after liking the pages you click on the update button (1) to save your work
    to refresh the page to see new pages press (2)

    the most important trick here is that the new pages are not available all the time, it comes and goes along the day which requires you to refresh the page many times trying to find new pages to like
    and here is the part 2 of the topic

    part 2: check4changes is a Firefox extension which checks the page for any change you want and then alarm you if there is changes.
    we will use this tool to automatically check if new pages are available to like

    add it from here
    then restart your firefox and login to your fanslave

    double click on the "There are no fanpages avaiable at the moment" to highlight it. then right click on it and select check4changes sub menu.
    by default you select check every 30 seconds option.
    you can edit it to check for any changes through any interval you want by selecting custom from the sub menu.

    now you can minimize the fanslave tap and continue working anywhere and when there is a new page to like. the check4changes extension will warn you automatically by sound alarm and pop up alarm to let you know that there is a new page to like.

    at last i hope you join fanslave from my ref link and thank you.

    Ref Link HERE
    Non Ref link HERE

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    this is probably one of the best make money sites to date.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Perhaps this is good way. Do you have any other better option for make money from online?

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