Hits4Pay is a shared ad revenue program that allows members to earn money by working from home. Members earn money by reviewing ads and by recruiting others to review ads.
If you are on the look out for a work at home business opportunity then hits4pay is the program that will suit you the best. This is because of the fact that it is a genuine and a legitimate program that allows you to earn money on a 2-tier method. In other words you will earn money not only from your direct affiliates but also from the sub affiliates.
All you have to do is recruit members into the first level of the hits4pay affiliate program. For each of the advertisement or email a member reads, you will be credited with a cent. In the same way for each of the advertisement or email a member sponsored by your direct affiliate reads, you will be credited with a cent too. Hence you will realize that the earning potential in this program is pretty high. In fact it can be said that cents add up in the course of time. The earning procedure may be quite slow in the beginning but it is likely to speed up in the course of time depending upon the affiliates that you recruit in the first level.
Hits4pay is a legitimate program that allows internet users to earn online, however, the amount one earns should only count as supplementary income.
Hits4pay is a program that allows anyone to
make money online, categorised as a paid to read program, hits4pay enables any internet user to earn online by simply visiting the advertisers websites and earn even more through the referral program.
1 - Create an account at hits4pay You will never be charged any money for having an account with the site, and will receive a $5 bonus for signing up.
2 - Review ads sent to your account. You will receive a message at the email account that your registered with that will notify you when ads are ready to be reviewed. Log in to your account to access the ads. Each ad will take you to the advertiser's website with a Hits4Pay banner above the website. You will earn 2 cents for each ad you review. You must remain on the advertiser's website for at least 60 seconds in order to receive credit. After 60 seconds, click on the button that appears to view the next ad.
3 - Recruit others to review ads. For each person or "downline" that you recruit, you will earn 1 cent for every ad they review. You will also earn 1 cent for every ad that is reviewed by the downlines they recruit. This will increase your earnings exponentially.
4 - Track your earnings. To view your commissions and referral downlines, simply hover your cursor over the "My Accounts" tab at the top of the page, and select "View Commissions" from the drop-down menu. Click on the "View Referral Breakdown" link to get details of your downlines.
5 - Get paid monthly. Once your account reaches $25, it will be zeroed out on the first of every month. You will be paid on the 15th of every month.