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Thread: PipJet - New Forex Robot from ForexMegadroid team?

  1. #1
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    Post PipJet - New Forex Robot from ForexMegadroid team?

    Hi, i have just received an email from Forex Megadroid team that they are about to release new forex robot PipJet - expert advisor. Bellow is the email i have received.

    Hey, XXX

    We're about to embark on the next great chapter in the story of Forex
    Megadroid…this is your personal invitation to join us!

    1. The Story So Far
    2. PIPJET
    3. The Launch!

    1. The Story So Far

    Forex Megadroid is a name that is synonymous with quality, integrity
    and plain awesomeness!

    We brought one of the first truly automated trading solutions to the
    market back in 2009 and it has stood the test of time all the way to this
    very day!

    Not only is it one of the best selling EA's of all time, affiliates have
    actually built businesses around promoting Forex Megadroid. New
    customers roll in every single day!

    We pride ourselves on creating great products that last! We give the
    consumer what they want…tremendous after sales support, constant
    updates and refinements…in short…well, everything that they could
    possibly want!

    That's why our conversions are always super high and our retention is
    off the charts!

    It's taken us this long to put out something new in to the market because
    we will settle for nothing less than the best and we will do whatever it
    takes to get there!

    You're receiving this email because we've worked together in the past.


    That's why you're getting the opportunity to get in on the ground floor
    of what is sure to be another massive hit for years to come!

    What's the name of this incredible creation?


    After nearly TWO years in development, we are ready to unveil our
    latest creation to the world!

    This is the ULTIMATE USD/CAD robot!

    After monitoring the FX market with a level of scrutiny akin to sheer
    obsession, we made some startling discoveries about USD/CAD and
    this pretty much paved the way for what would be THE MOST

    PIPJET is going to rock the Forex world like nothing else before it! The
    way Megadroid defined automatic trading for the last 3+ years…we
    believe PIPJET will define the next FIVE!

    We're not going to go into the details too much right now, you'll have
    plenty of time to comb through our data in the affiliate area, but for right
    now…here's what you need to know.

    3. The Launch!

    We've been working very hard on this launch and we're confident that
    this is actually going to redefine the internet launch formula!

    The level of detail that we've put in to the sales page is something that
    no one has seen before and we're expecting conversions to be higher
    than anything we've produced in the past

    Thursday the 21st of June - prelaunch kicks off with content for your

    Sunday the 24th of June - more great content…we stoke the fire!

    Monday the 25th of June - a recap and a fever pitch build up…

    Tuesday the 26th of June - we open the gates and let in the flood!

    As we mentioned, our approach is going to be something that no one has
    seen in a while. You've obviously noticed how everything is driven by
    hype these days.

    Well, you're not going to be seeing that on this launch!

    In fact, we're going to be completely open and transparent…even down
    to explaining the trading logic of the bot itself.

    We can do that because this is the REAL DEAL! In the same way that
    Forex Megadroid still performs exactly as promised…PIPJET will be
    conquering the USD/CAD when every other EA goes the way of the

    Our copy is being done by the best in the business, our affiliate content
    is going to be bountiful and enticing…basically only the best of the best.

    The link above is where you need to go to sign up so you can keep
    abreast of all launch developments. Sign up right now to make sure you
    don't miss any crucial announcements!

    That's it for now…but before we go we just wanted to say...

    …thanks for being a part of the Megadroid family for all these years and
    for your continued support!

    We couldn't have done it without you…let's do it again!

    All the best
    The MD Team

    P.S. Remember, we'll be communicating with everyone via the PIPJET
    affiliate list, so make sure you sign up here:


    Information, charts, examples, etc. contained in this e-mail
    are just for illustration and educational purposes and should
    not be considered advice or an endorsement to acquire or
    dispose of any security or financial instrument.

    We do not and cannot give lnvestment Advice.
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  2. #2
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    Another email about PipJet received from Megadroid Team today 21.6.2012

    What you’re about to see will change your trading FOREVER! We’vefound the road map to Forex wealth and it’s all yours…for nothing…get
    it here:

    1. Where did we find it?
    2. How does it work?
    3. The Next Big Thing?
    4. Is It Really True?

    1. Where did we find it?

    We told you a little bit about our discovery yesterday, but we had to hold
    back the lion’s share till you could get your hands on this PDF and
    understand everything in its entirety.

    This REALLY is THAT important!

    The currency pair that we found this series of converging phenomena on
    will really SHOCK you. No one knows its there, and they’ll be kicking
    themselves when they realize they’ve been ignoring it!

    FOUR separate discoveries all culminating in one grand opportunity. All
    on the same pair, ONLY on one particular trading session.

    Nobody has seen this yet. You’re going to be the first to realize the profit
    pulling power of this FX revelation!

    Grab your PDF here (Immediately Actionable Information)

    From the moment you read this document you’re going to want to get
    your platform open and confirm this for yourself!

    2. How does it work?

    Let’s see if we can explain this in very simple terminology.

    When you have a lot of motion…let’s call it contained volatility…and
    this resides inside a specific area…that’s what we call a ‘price channel’.

    What we found on this particular currency pair…and particular session,
    makes every other price channel obsolete and deficient!

    We found a regular, predictable sideways moving range that works like
    a Swiss clock! It has all the hallmarks of the most desirable setup you
    could ever hope for!

    Here’s the strange part…no one knows about it and NO ONE has done
    anything about it!

    This is probably an understatement…

    You can’t possibly understand the gravity of this situation till you read
    the report!

    This channel makes money every single day and it has been doing so for
    years. It’s GOING to last for many years to come.

    We’ve done our homework…and we have the proof!

    Is this accurate? Is it bankable?

    We’ve never been more serious about anything EVER! You can set your
    alarm to this thing!

    You can go have a look for yourself after you read the report. Heck, you
    can start making money with it after you read the report!

    3. The Next Big Thing?

    This is without a doubt, the next FX Gold Rush! Once everyone finds
    out about this, they’re all going to come swarming at it.

    Here’s the great thing though, the reason this channel exists has, in large
    part, everything to do with global fundamentals.

    It’s an ecosystem on its own and there’s nothing that a few hundred
    retail FX traders can do to upset this ecosystem.

    It’s stable, it’s regular and it’s going to be there for years to come.
    ANYONE who grabs on to this data is going to be able to reap the
    rewards like crazy!

    It’s a no lose situation!

    There’s enough for everybody!

    This report that we’re releasing today thoroughly details EVERYTHING
    that you need to know to take advantage of the situation!

    Grab the report and see what we’re talking about right NOW!

    4. Is It Really True?

    Everyone’s heard the old adage “If it looks too good to be true, it
    probably is”. Well, not this time.

    You have to know when to carpe diem and when to when to walk away!
    Empires are made out of knowing when to strike, and the time…for FX
    traders…is most definitely NOW!

    There’s never been a bigger opportunity in all the years that we’ve been
    trading Forex than right now!

    This report is going to change how people trade Forex for years to come!
    We did it once before 3 years ago and we’re about to do it again!

    Grab the report here:

    All the best

    The MD Team
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  3. #3
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    There is the fridays email about PipJet launch from MD team:

    Yesterday's PDF report was an absolute smash hit!

    We knew that we'd get a huge response but we never expected anything
    like this!

    The opt-ins are still rolling in up to this very minute! We're fielding
    hundreds of questions in support to the point where our staff can barely
    keep up!

    The Megadroid brand is stronger than even WE imagined!

    If this keeps up we're easily looking at the biggest launch of 2012!

    This is the reason why we left the two gap days till we release the next
    prelaunch email.

    We wanted to see if our suspicions were correct. The market is hungry
    for a REAL FX product. There's been too much junk out there for
    far too long. We wanted to see what kind of response we would get.

    The verdict?

    It's even better than we could've hoped for!

    We had 10,000 signups just 2 hours into the mailing!

    The two days means that there's plenty of opportunity for any affiliates
    who didn't mail to catch up though.

    Friday and Saturday are wide open, so if you haven't mailed any of your
    lists about the PIPJET currency report…NOW is the time!

    Remember, all your affiliate material is right here:

    On Sunday we're going to put out a ton of performance proof so it's only
    going to get better from here on out!

    We'll let you know as soon as the swipes are up.

    That's all for today, but we'll be in touch soon with more updates!

    Good Marketing

    The PIPJET/MD Team

    P.S. Don't forget, if you haven't mailed yet, you've got Friday and
    Saturday to catch up! Don't get left out!

  4. #4
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    This is another newsletter regarding Pipjet robot from MegaDroid Team. Date 24.6.2012

    Today's email is going to be an absolute KILLER! If you haven't picked
    up your email copy for today, you can grab it at:

    Today is when we take things to the next level!

    We're doing another today "First Time EVER" when we reveal the inner
    workings of our robot's strategy and methodology!

    Everything about our robot's inner workings will be disclosed in FULL!

    AND, we've got FIVE live trading accounts with performance so
    SPECTACULAR, your subscribers aren't going to believe how good
    PIPJET is!

    Pick up your email copy here:

    We've got a tons of videos up on the site and a PDF that details

    Like we said, no one has EVER done anything quite like this before!

    That's not all we've got for you today though, we've also put up a ton of
    new banners that you can use to enhance your presence on the web and
    promote PIPJET!

    You'll find everything right here:

    By the way, our prelaunch list has been growing like a MAGIC since our
    first prelaunch email - there've been thousands of new signups every day
    since Thursday!

    So far this launch has been going even better than we could've hoped

    It's all thanks to you! Keep up the good work, Tuesday is just around the

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team

    P.S. Once again, today's email goes out at 9am EST, all your JV material
    can be found right here:
    #2 Email:

    You're about to find out EXACTLY what we've been able to do with the


    It doesn't stop there. We're going to show you indisputable LIVE
    Account Proof!


    We're going to going to lay out the blueprints in full explicit detail that
    will show you precisely how we accomplished this.

    1. How Much IS The USD/CAD Worth?
    2. The LIVE Accounts!
    3. The Trading Strategy
    4. Welcome to FX Profits!

    1. How Much IS The USD/CAD Worth?

    A few days ago we released a report on the USD/CAD the sent tremors
    throughout the entire world of Forex.

    We showed the world what they've been ignoring for the last two years!


    We revealed everything in unequivocal terms. The USD/CAD on the
    Asian session with the amazing tick volume and low spread…

    …we detailed EVERYTHING in no uncertain terms. This IS the next
    Forex Gold Rush!

    We received more feedback from our subscribers in the last two days
    than we have in the last 4 months!

    Everyone wants to know HOW you're supposed to trade something like

    The price channel that we discovered is nothing short of phenomenal! It
    is the biggest thing to happen to Forex in years, but still the question
    kept coming up…"HOW"?

    "It's moving too fast to take advantage of", they say.

    We received emails telling us that a human being just can't operate a
    computer fast enough grab those sharp turns.

    So, there's doubt, they think it can't be done. Well, hold on to your hats
    ladies and gentleman…

    2. The LIVE Accounts!

    We've got the PROOF! In fact, we've got the proof FIVE TIMES!

    That's right, we have FIVE live trading accounts that have been
    trading the USD/CAD.

    You'll see that we started trading the accounts at different times because
    we were testing various different incarnations of PIPJET.

    The whole point was to gather the best logic out of every different
    version throughout all of our testing to produce the BEST EA that the
    world has ever seen!

    There's video documentation for each of the five accounts AND you can
    go in to each account and look at them trade by trade!

    We're hiding NOTHING! This is 100% Full Disclosure!

    Not the kind of thing you see everyday in FX is it?

    On just one account that we started on the 13th of September 2010 with
    just $1000…we've had a 3,492% increase!

    YES - Almost three and a half thousand percent to date!

    That account is currently sitting at almost $36,000!

    Go on, take a look and see it for yourself!

    3. The Trading Strategy

    The best EA in the world? Well, there've definitely been some fake
    contenders to the throne... but we all know how those turn out.

    You never hear from those guys a couple of months after their robots hit
    the street.

    If we're going to compare PIPJET to any LEGITIMATE robot, then it's
    a fair contest…and in a fair contest, our proof puts any doubt to rest.

    THIS is now the BEST PERFORMING ROBOT in the world as of right

    Let's take it a step further though. We decided a while ago that we were
    going to make it our personal mission to get rid of all the hype and B.S.
    in the industry and let our work speak for itself!

    In keeping with that sentiment, we decided to do something that NO
    ONE in the FX business has EVER done!

    We're going to tell you EXACTLY how PIPJET works.


    For the FIRST TIME EVER in FX, we're going to tell you in no
    uncertain terms, exactly what logic our robot is built on so you can
    decide for yourself, if we know what we're talking about!

    Go on and watch the video!

    4. Welcome to FX Profits!

    100% Full Disclosure, FIVE Live Trading Accounts.

    We're showing you what we found, we're showing what we did AND
    we're showing you how we did it!

    Like we said - we've got nothing to hide. PIPJET is the world's BEST
    FX bot and we're so certain of that, we've put all our cards on the table
    and dare anyone to tell us otherwise!

    Welcome to the FUTURE of Forex!

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team

    P.S. We'll have more for you soon, stay tuned!

  5. #5
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    There is a newsletter i have received today 25 June 2012 from MegaDroid Team regarding PipJet

    Hey, ***

    You won't believe the feedback that we got yesterday after releasing the
    Strategy Disclosure Video!

    It's something that no one had ever seen from a developer before and it
    worked exactly the way we had expected!

    The prelaunch list is growing by thousands at a time and our support
    staff were inundated with emails yesterday because people are just so
    hungry for PipJet!

    Even the chat window on the page yesterday was a hive of activity!

    It's all thanks to the incredible support of our affiliates, so ...we just
    wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everybody for a job well done
    thus far!

    We're riding a freight train going at 300 mile per hour so lets keep the
    fire hot for launch day tomorrow… today's email is about
    keeping the pressure on!

    You can pick up swipes for today here:

    The Live Accounts and Strategy Disclosure were total home runs and
    we've kept the currency report on the download page as well.

    Today's email is a recap of content and letting them know that PipJet
    goes LIVE tomorrow at 9am EST!

    You can mail anytime you like but we recommend that you send on or
    after 12pm EST. Monday mornings have been proven to be less than
    ideal because people are still shaking off the weekend.

    We don't want your mails to get lost in the Monday morning shuffle!

    So for today, you can find your swipes at:

    And, we're mailing out at 12pm EST.

    Less than 24hrs after you send that email…we'll be pushing the BIG

    Yes! It'll be launch time! That's what we've all been working towards for
    the last couple of years and it's going to be AWESOME!

    This is going to be one launch that no one is going to forget for a LONG

    We'll be in touch soon!

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team
    This is second email i have received today. And it looks like PipJet will be online very soon!

    Hey, ***

    In less than 24hrs from now, PipJet is going LIVE!

    For the first time, YOU are going to have the opportunity to trade the
    most profitable currency pair with the world's most profitable FX Robot!

    PipJet = Autopilot profits the way they were meant to be!

    If for any reason you haven't had a chance to see any of the material that
    we released over the last few days, this is your last chance, you can find
    everything here:

    1. The Currency Report
    2. The Strategy Disclosure
    3. The Live Accounts

    1. The Currency Report

    On Thursday we released a currency report on the USD/CAD. This was
    a revelation to 99% of traders in the world because people simply have
    not been paying attention to what's happening in the market!

    We discovered that the USD/CAD on the Asian session had an
    extremely high tick volume and a very small spread.

    This spelled OPPORTUNITY!

    This price channel was an untapped gold mine and the rush was about to

    2. The Strategy Disclosure

    We said that we'd been trading the currency for close to two years…but
    …we didn't reveal exactly HOW we were trading it until we released the
    Strategy Disclosure Video.

    The weird thing is, the tick volume in the channel is so dense…only a
    bot can do what needs to be done to MAXIMIZE the profit potential of
    the USD/CAD.

    We did something that no one in the history of Forex had ever done!

    For the FIRST TIME EVER … we explained in detail, exactly how our
    PipJet EA functioned!

    Traders have been going crazy over this video!

    See it here:

    We've had hundreds and hundreds of emails from developers AND
    users congratulating or asking for advice on coding.

    So, that was HOW we were trading…but, what we managed to do on
    our accounts was another story altogether!

    3. The Live Accounts

    Five Live Accounts - all verified real - and all with incredibly accurate
    trading performance!

    Accounts that turned

    $1,000 into $18,000


    $1,000 into $35,000!

    Watch the video commentary and view the statements right here:

    Tomorrow we're going to tell you even MORE about PipJet...

    AND're going to have an opportunity to own the #1 EA in the world!

    That's all happening tomorrow, Tuesday, the 26th of June at 9AM EST!

    All the Best

    The MD/PIPJET Team
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  6. #6
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    Tuesday, June 26, 2012 and there is another nice email from MegaDroid Team regarding PipJet robot launch:

    Hey, ***
    This is it! We go LIVE at 9AM EST. Get your email swipes here:

    We've got the most INCREDIBLE sales page that we've ever done! Just
    get your subscribers to the page and we'll take care of the rest!

    Seriously, the guy who wrote this is THE BEST Forex writer in the


    He understands the material very well because he was involved with
    this project all the way. This going to convert like crazy!

    Here are todays emails:

    It's Game Time! Let's Do It!

    All The Best

    The MD/PipJet Team

    P.S. Don't forget, that's 9AM EST TODAY!
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  7. #7
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    I also wish to add two promotional email templates of PipJet robot launch. These can be used for promotion of PipJet and earning Clickbank refferal comissions.

    First Promo email:
    <!-- Headlines -->
    [fname], FX Bot Trades USD/CAD! $1k to $35,925 In X Months!
    [fname], Turn $1,000 into $35,000 without risk! Use PipJet!
    [fname], The World's #1 EA Has Been Knocked Off Its Perch!
    [fname], The ONLY EA capable of risk free account doubling!
    [fname], No Risk, Low Startup, FAST PROFITS…PIPJET!
    [fname], How To Double Your Account Monthly With NO RISK!
    [fname], The Most Profitable Currency Pair vs. The #1 EA!
    [fname], Profit From This Secret Discovery On The USD/CAD!
    [fname], Take Advantage Of The USD/CAD's 4,324 Tick Channel!

    <!-- Email Body -->

    Hey, [fname]

    This is it!

    Not since March of 2009 has something of this magnitude been available in the realm of retail FX.

    PipJet has established itself as THE premier automated Forex trading solution on the planet.

    And today…you have the opportunity to join the ranks of the elite in owning the most profitable trading robot EVER created!

    Of course, all of that is just talk isn't it? I bet every FX Vendor out there has said all of those same things at one time or another.

    The difference between them and the Megadroid Team is that…they're talking complete B.S. and the MD Team has put their money where their mouth is!

    The Winning Formula!

    a) In the last 36 months the tick volume on the USD/CAD during the Asian session has gone from a paltry 244 to a MAMMOTH 4,324.

    That's just the start!

    b) The average range has gone from 69.63 pips to 27 pips in the last year! If you don't know what that means, let's just say that…

    …the smaller the range, the tighter your trades can be…so basically you don't need to do anything risky.

    c) The symbiotic nature of the US and Canadian economy means that the USD/CAD does not have acid reflux when news releases come out! It's STABLE!

    d) The spread has gone down from 5.1 to 1.8 pips! Okay, I KNOW I don't have to explain that one to you!

    e) This price channel on the USD/CAD during the Asian session is ACTION PACKED!

    Where you see one change per minute on other currencies, you're seeing an average of SIXTEEN on this pair!

    Are you starting to get the picture here?


    PipJet is as close to RISK FREE trading as you can possibly get!Take a look at their account statements and see how many losses you can find.

    Not only are PipJets losses few and far between, when one does occur, it's small enough that it's not even worth mentioning. That's because of the superior coding from veteran developers!

    It's a scalper! Stop losses are incredibly small!

    These guys didn't just fall off the turnip truck last week, Forex Megadroid was #1 for three years, till PipJet of course!

    Why Should You Believe Them?

    Well, for a whole bunch of reasons really. I COULD tell you that you could just go and look at the trading logic of the robot on their site.

    I've given you all the relevant information about what PipJet trades. So if you combine that information with HOW the robot trades, which is clearly outlined on the site…

    …it should paint a pretty clear picture right? Sure, you could do that.


    I trust something a little bit better than that. I trust the reputation of the team that has over 40,000 users of their last robot.

    I trust the guys that have released 10 updates over the course of 3 years to maintain the investments of their clients.

    I trust the guys who…up till PipJet came out…had the #1 performing Fx robot for three years running!

    Why PipJet?

    Have you SEEN their 5 accounts?

    We're talking about a robot that can turn $1,000 into $35,000 with almost no risk!

    It's made by veterans of the industry. You can use a small account and watch it grow in leaps and bounds because of the fast trading action!

    Do you really need to know more? Go here:

    Go to the site and read everything for yourself. This is the best thing to happen to FX in years!

    This is BIG! Get it NOW!

    All the Best

    Your Name

    P.S. This was built to make money fast without risk with a very small starting account. That's what 99% of FX traders are looking for. I can't think of even one reason not to get this PipJet!

    Second promo email:
    <!-- Headlines -->
    [fname], FX Bot Trades USD/CAD! $1k to $35,925 In X Months!
    [fname], Turn $1,000 into $35,000 without risk! Use PipJet!
    [fname], The World's #1 EA Has Been Knocked Off Its Perch!
    [fname], The ONLY EA capable of risk free account doubling!
    [fname], No Risk, Low Startup, FAST PROFITS…PIPJET!
    [fname], How To Double Your Account Monthly With NO RISK!
    [fname], The Most Profitable Currency Pair vs. The #1 EA!
    [fname], Profit From This Secret Discovery On The USD/CAD!
    [fname], Take Advantage Of The USD/CAD's 4,324 Tick Channel!

    <!-- Email Body -->

    Hey, [fname]

    PipJet is out right now! Get it here:

    PipJet was created by the Forex Megadroid Team. They've had the #1 performing robot in the world since March 2009…It's like James Cameron doing "Titanic" and then following it up with "Avatar" .

    He had the highest grossing movie in the world till he beat his own top spot with the NEXT highest grossing movie in the world!

    PipJet was designed to trade the USD/CAD on the Asian session. There's a certain price channel that it takes advantage of.

    The tick volume in that channel is 4,324…the spread is only 1.8 pips and the range is only 27 pips!

    What that all means is that you have a particular zone of activity where you KNOW what's going to happen…and it happens like clockwork!


    The US and Canadian economies are a symbiotic life form…news releases don't do a thing to it!

    NO uncertain moves or occurrences!

    I just gave you all the information that you need to take advantage of what the PipJet guys discovered.

    If YOU can calculate 16 trades a minute then, hey…by all means go for it.

    I'm guessing you'd prefer something automated to do it for you though, right?

    Would you like something to do it for you without ANY risk whatsoever?

    Go look at their account statements and then tell me what you think. The stop losses are so small, even the 0.5% of the time that a trade misses, its a grain of sand on a beach, not worth even mentioning!

    If you're looking for confidence in this brand, then let me tell you this….

    …the MD team released 10 new versions of their last bot to their subscribers for nothing! They updated their bot when it needed to be updated because their support is the BEST in FX!

    That's what you can expect when you get a hold of PipJet!

    Don't wait another 4 years to take advantage of their next robot!

    Get PipJet NOW!

    All the best

    Your Name

    P.S. Do you want to turn $1,000 into $35,000 without risk? Here's your chance! It's called PipJet!

  8. #8
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    PipsJet is OUT NOW!!! Final email:

    Hey, ***

    Today is the BIG DAY! PipJet is out NOW! Get it right here:


    After 3 years we're finally getting to unveil the most BRUTAL
    USD/CAD scalper in the world!

    Why is everyone so excited about PipJet?

    PipJet is the only robot in existence that trades our own four pronged
    attack that rips out pips from the market faster and safer than anything
    else ever created!

    Let's explain:

    1. Trading the USD/CAD
    2. Why Use PipJet?
    3. Who Are We?

    1. Trading the USD/CAD

    1. Tick Volume! Maybe you don't know what that is exactly. Basically
    it's the amount of movement on a chart. If there's movement, you can
    trade it.

    If it's stagnant you can't. People like trading things with a lot of volatility
    because they can catch the big moves and make big money.

    The tick volume on the USD/CAD is now at an all time high! It's up to
    an average of 4,324 and it was just 244 three years ago!


    2. The average range! This has decreased from 69.23 pips to only 27
    pips in the last year. Why is this good? All of the volume that we
    mentioned in point number one is nicely contained inside one particular

    We're not looking for huge big moves …the kind that you don't know
    where they're going to end. They're in a particular channel, and that
    decreases risk considerably. It allows us to operate with smaller stops!

    You don't have to take wild chances and gamble like most traders do!


    3. The spread on the USD/CAD has gone down from 5.1 to 1.8 pips!
    Everyone who trades knows what a spread is. The smaller the better…
    especially because PipJet is a scalper!

    4. This is actually the most important factor that makes everything else
    possible. The economic relationship between the US and Canada is a
    symbiotic one.

    There are no wild spikes on the pair during news releases! That's

    In fact, you could say that this pair exists in its own little ecosystem.
    They're joined at the hip…and the price action is as regular as a swiss


    2. Why Use PipJet?

    Well, have you SEEN our account statements? Why wouldn't you want
    to turn $1k into $35k with ZERO risk?

    If you look at our statements you'll see that we've virtually eliminated
    any uncertainty from our trading.

    There are almost NO losses, and those that you'll find are so small
    they're hardly worth even mentioning!

    On the USD/CAD it's possible to catch up to 16 bankable moves a
    minute! No human being could do that on MT4…but PipJet has been
    designed from the ground up to do exactly that!

    The core logic and trading methodology has been revealed in full, you
    can see it all right here:


    3. Who Are We?

    There can't be too many traders online who haven't heard the name
    Forex Megadroid.

    We enjoyed a 3 year reign as the top performing EA…with solid LIVE
    results on our website to prove it! In fact, we left our original accounts
    online so that people could always see how Megadroid was doing.

    Over 40,000 happy subscribers have been using Megadroid for years. In
    that time we've provided 10 big updates to accommodate for changes in
    the market.

    We are traders first and developers second. We know what traders expect
    when they purchase an automated solution and that's why we pride
    ourselves on being in the small group of people online that give traders
    what they deserve!

    It's what WE would want in your shoes!


    PipJet is the new King of retail FX and it comes from the Megadroid

    It was designed to make money FAST…with a small starting account
    …with NO RISK!

    That's what every trader really wants!

    After 3 years of intense research and development, that's EXACTLY
    what we've come up with!


    It's yours for the taking!

    All the best

    The MD/PipJet Team

    P.S. There's a lot of information on our site, we're being very thorough
    about this because we believe you have the right to know HOW
    something works before you use it. Full Disclosure! See it here:

    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  9. #9
    Administrator admin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Email from 27.6.2012

    Hey, ***

    Yesterday was an INCREDIBLE success!

    Conversions were through the roof! We actually managed to beat Forex
    Megadroid's first day sales record!

    Now is the time to press your advantage!

    We were right, the market is hungry for a GOOD Forex product. After
    months of the usual junk floating around, it seems they can't get enough
    of PipJet!

    The sales are still rolling in but now isn't the time to let up...

    …today we're keeping the pressure up and we're expecting to equal
    yesterday's sales total!

    You can find your emails for today right here:

    Thanks for helping us bring PipJet to the market in such style! It's not
    over yet!

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team

    P.S. Your email swipes, banners and other marketing material can be
    found here:
    Second Email regarding PipJet, same day:

    Hey, ***

    There's nothing better than having the unanimous validation of the
    trading community when you release something like PipJet!

    We've received TONS of correspondence from traders who picked up
    PipJet yesterday and the response has been overwhelmingly positive!

    We set out to create the greatest EA on the planet and now we've
    confirmed it! The traders using PipJet have spoken! PipJet is #1!

    See it here:

    If for any reason you missed our email yesterday, here's what's going on:

    What We Discovered

    After everything had settled down from the release of Forex Megadroid,
    we began looking for the next BIG project that we could work on.

    By pure accident, we stumbled across something happening with the
    USD/CAD. We investigated. Over the course of the last 3 years this
    currency pair has undergone a drastic evolution.

    The main reason is because of the unique symbiotic relationship
    between the US and Canada. Did you know that news releases have
    almost NO affect on this pair?

    It's incredibly stable and VERY predictable.

    The tick volume has gradually grown from 244 to a mind boggling
    4,324! That is A LOT of action!

    The spread has dropped from a hugh 5.1 pips down to just 1.8 pips!


    To make things even better, the range has gone down from 69.63 pips
    down to just 27 pips.

    All of this happens during the Asian session…and NO ONE knew that it
    was happening till we pointed it out in our exclusive currency report!

    Why this is so important

    Well, put all of that together and do know what you get? A ONCE in a
    LIFETIME opportunity!

    Think about it? You have a very PREDICTABLE, very STABLE and
    contained HOT ZONE of trading action.

    The news doesn't affect it, it's as regular as an atomic clock, and until
    PipJet, it has been completely untapped!

    The only thing is that you can't hope to trade this phenomena manually.

    The reason why is actually another opportunity to make even MORE out
    of this.

    There are roughly 16 bankable movements per minute in this unique
    price channel. You can't trade this manually…but an automated solution
    that's able to capture the correct moves out of all 16? That would be

    The right algorithms with predicative pattern recognition in on a pair
    this stable could pick every move out with deadly precision and create a
    fat account VERY fast!


    That's where PipJet comes in! It was designed specifically to take full
    advantage of the opportunities the USD/CAD offers on the Asian

    PipJet is the ULTIMATE scalper for this pair!

    Look at our trading accounts and you'll see what we're talking about!

    We turned $1k in to $35k with hardly any noticeable losses! Speaking of
    losses…trading with PipJet is virtually a NO RISK scenario!

    Not only is our trading strategy and methodology superior to anything
    else ever created (It's fully disclosed on our site)…there's also another
    very good reason why even the VERY rare occasional loss won't even

    In a range as tight as what we've got on the USD/CAD, the stop losses
    are so small, if a trade ever goes wrong, the loss is minuscule!

    It's recovered in the next move instantly!

    PipJet can start trading on a very small account and grow VERY fast.
    The most important thing though is that it's not risky. Look at the
    account statements and see for yourself.

    Look at our trading methodology and our robot logic…you'll see that
    we've thought of everything!

    We've been developing PipJet for nearly two years! You won't find a
    better built robot ANYWHERE.

    And that's why PipJet has just claimed the top spot…we're now the #1
    EA on the market…and we aim to stay that way!

    Get your copy of PipJet here:

    All the best,

    The MD/PipJet Team

    P.S. Being a member of the PipJet family means being a member of the
    Megadroid family too. Unparalleled support, updates for life and a brand
    that you can trust. 44,000 members can't all be wrong can they?

    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  10. #10
    Administrator admin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Emails i received 28.6.2012 from Megadroid Team

    Hey, ***

    Today's email is going to grab up the sales that you might've missed on
    day 1 and 2.

    Our introductory price for PipJet was just for the launch and we're going
    to raise it very soon.

    It'll will most likely go to $147…so today you can tell your subscribers
    that this is their last chance to get PipJet at the Launch price!

    This is going to go out at 12pm EST. But you're welcome to mail earlier
    if you'd like.

    Here's the email, don't forget to add in your clickbank ID and change the
    naming conventions accordingly.


    [name], LAST CHANCE to get PipJet at the LAUNCH PRICE!

    Hey, [name]

    Everybody has been talking about PipJet all week! This new creation
    from the Forex Megadroid Team has solidified itself as the new #1 EA
    in the world.

    If you haven't seen it yet, go here:


    The reason why I'm mailing you today is to let you know that this will
    be your last chance to pick up this incredible new FX bot at the launch

    Currently, what they're asking for it is pretty much giving it away! But
    that price is ONLY for the launch.

    Once the launch is over the price is going to go much higher to reflect its
    true value.

    They're not going to take it off the market and there are no limited
    copies or anything of that sort, so you can still get it later…


    …if you want to save some money then you should get it TODAY!


    PipJet is the newest creation from the Forex Megadroid team. It trades
    the USD/CAD exclusively based on the MD Team's discoveries on this
    pair during the Asian session.

    It's the ULTIMATE scalper…able to grow huge accounts, FAST, from
    very little startup capital and almost NO RISK!

    Like I said…the #1 FX Bot in the world!

    Don't miss out on this one, this is the new FX Gold Rush!


    Getting it tomorrow might mean paying double for something that you
    could get today!

    So, you're pretty much getting it at half price today.

    All the best

    Your name

    P.S. You absolutely HAVE to take advantage of this now! This is the
    best automated trading solution to come along in the last 3 years!



    That's it!

    Once again, thanks for all your support on this launch, it really meant to
    the world to us to have all of you on board!

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team

    P.S. You can find your banners and updated email copy for campaigns
    And second email:

    Hey, ***

    We've been talking about PipJet all week, if you haven't picked up your
    copy as yet, we just wanted to remind you that today is the last day that
    you'll be able to get PipJet at the Launch Price!

    If you've been to our site already then you know that we're pretty much
    GIVING PipJet away at the current price.

    As the #1 automated trading solution in the world, it's worth A LOT
    more…so by this time tomorrow, we're probably going to be doubling
    the price…and that STILL wouldn't be an accurate reflection of its

    Get it here:

    What is PipJet?

    PipJet is the newest creation by the Forex Megadroid Team (That's us!).
    After two years of intensive R&D, testing and tweaking, we've created
    the new #1 FX bot in the world!

    PipJet is only Automated FX Robot that trades our unique discovery on
    the USD/CAD during the Asian session!

    - High Tick Volume (hovering in the 10,000 range!)
    - Low Spread (1.8pips)
    - Small Range (only 27!)
    - Unaffected By News!

    This price channel is an untapped Goldmine! PipJet is the ONLY EA in
    the world that has been designed specifically to target this price channel
    and that's why its the BEST!

    NO RISK!

    We are the only company that can boast that using our EA is a NO RISK

    Take a look at our trading accounts and see for yourself! This isn't luck
    or doctored statements. This is not marketing hype or B.S.

    It's the 100% truth and it's all verifiable. The reason why using PipJet is
    risk free is because of several reasons.

    1. The stability of the price channel. The USD/CAD exists in a
    contained ecosystem.

    2. The price channel is very narrow, meaning that stops can be set very
    small. Even the VERY rare loss that does occur is instantly destroyed on
    the next trade!

    3. We were meticulous in our design of PipJet! The logic of our robot
    filters out all the dodgy moves and ONLY captures the cream of the

    Take Advantage

    We're not trying to toot our own horn but after more than 3 years and
    over 44,000 subscribers, we'd like to think we know what we're doing.

    We provide the kind of support that WE would like to get in your

    We've been here a long time and we're not going anywhere!

    We designed PipJet to start on small accounts and build them
    consistently WITHOUT risk!


    We'll be there every step of the way!

    All the best

    The MD/PIPJET Team

    P.S. Remember, today is probably the last chance for you to get PipJet
    at the launch price!
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

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