Hi all, today I decided to post the method how i do more than 3-10 dollars a day using adfocus and Empireviews, this is my guide.
1)Register to EmpireViews: here
2)Register to Adfocus: here
2)Download one of the EmpireViews Bots:
a) Official Bot: here
b) Bot by mukhadie : here (recommended)
3)Now let the bot collect 15000 credits or more (15k credits = around 3-5 hours)
4)After getting the views go and register to adfocus(i dont recommend adfly because i heard they started serious fight versus fake views): here
5)Make a adfocus url using the shrink tool
6)Go back to EmpireViews, Go to "Submit Links" and put there the adfocus link
7)Wait until you get the views, and do it again, i recommend to leave the PC on to make more points
Adfoc.us Proof