Guide on how to use CoinEx to buy exotic cryptocurrency/altcoin like OXEN:
Other exchange services listed at
1. Register , they says no KYC (identity verification) up to $10,000 (except privacy coints BEAM, XHV, OXEN, DERO, ARRR, XMR, ZEPH, ZANO where ID verification is possibly necessary always).
2. Click Assets / Deposit. Before you do it, check Exchange section to see which currency pairs are supported for direct exchange to your desired currency. You want to select such currencies to minimize fees, because otherwise the Swap section would need to do exchange to USDT for example and then to your desired currency - which would result in double fees!
3. Now you can Swap or Exchange. Swap is simplified exchange for the cases where your current balance contains currency which is not in the pair with your desired/destination currency.
A) Swap - Click Swap to exchange to OXEN(or other altcoin). Fee is claimed to be under 0.2% of the transaction:
When i was comparing source cryptocurrency amount price in $ ( ) with destination cryptocurrency amount price in dollars ( ) i have found that I am getting like 10% less than i should get if i would be exchanging at market price without fees. The fee was 10% of $60 swapped amount!!! CoinEx did 2 exchanges From Ethereum to USDT and then from USDT to OXEN. Because OXEN was not traded directly with Ethereum that i had as input.
How to estimate the fee for swap? Convert input crypto to dollar, divide resulting amount by the USD price of one coin of resulting cryptocurrency. That is the amount to get without fees, now apply fees by multiplying it by 0.2 (%).
Swap was complete in like 1 minute, "Execution" link shows the detail.
B) Exchange - Click Exchange
4. Click Assets / Withdraw to send your altcoin to your external wallet ($10,000/day maximum, 0.3 OXEN withdrawal fee at the time of writing)
You will need to click a link in "Set Security Authentication" box. I have selected "TOTP Authenticator" and on next screen to bind it. Confirm e-mail code, scan QR code in your Authenticator mobile app. If unable to scan, you need to manually write the 32 digit code to app. 32 digit private code should be saved to safe place. The Authenticator app will return like 6 character code to enter to Coinex web page.
5. Finish the Withdrawal now. It was processed in couple of minutes automatically.