Hi there what is it? What meal do you like the most, is most tasty for you?
Hi there what is it? What meal do you like the most, is most tasty for you?
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i like pizza,sandwiches,burger,etc. the most
My favourite meal is fastfood like burgers, mc nuggets and wraps.
i like fast food. its my fav maeal
My favorite meal and i like spagetti, toasted bread, fried cauliflower and kale and pancakes
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I like to eat Pizza, its my most favorite meal..
tony romas pork ribs!
fruit and vegetables
Last edited by Iriss; 08-30-2012 at 05:57 AM.
I love chocolate, and anything with chocolate in like biscuits, cake and cheesecake!
I do like North Indian and South Indian meals a lot. As, I do prefer to have south Indian every day and north Indian often.
Last edited by skyhoby; 11-29-2012 at 01:45 PM.