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Thread: I-gagnant -

  1. #1

    I-gagnant -

    i am not admin

    New French site. Download the bar and get paid for watching advertisments.
    For viewing the bar you get points. At this time 1000pts - 0.0912 euro . 1ad - 1point.

    I-Gagnant la barre is an advertising company directly connecting commercial websites with internet users. For this, the site rewards its members to look at advertising in a small software designed for this purpose and to visit sites for several seconds.

    You have to cumulate a maximum of points along the month. These points can be won with the bar, clicks, clicks bonus, games, sponsorship. Such cumulation will be converted into real money the first day of each month at midnight under the current conversion rate.

    Payment: Paypal, Hipay
    Minimum: 20EUR by check, 15EUR by PP or Hipay.

    I-Gagnant la barre - Gagner de l'argent en surfant sur Internet n'aura jamais été aussi facile!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    is it worth watching

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    proof please???

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