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Thread: The PTC Society

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    The PTC Society

    Im a member of the ''PTC Society''
    Im registered on 40 valid (payed me) PTC sites,
    let's say you earn 0,02$ a day per site.
    That means you earn 0,8$ a day on 40 sites but we all know that the money isnt in clicking..
    Most of the sites offer 50% revenue from your referrals earnings so if you get someone to join our society( which means he's going to register on all of this sites) you will earn 0,4$ a day from one referral.
    If you referr 10 persons, your daily earnings are going to be 4$ a day.
    What if you get 100 referrals?
    Then your going to earn 40$ a day.
    That's 1200$ a month,and you need less then an hour daily to do these things.
    Let's not forget that some sites have multi-level affiliate program, so you earn even if your reff referres someone(which he will, beacause he's a member of our society)
    Bad at referring?
    Dont worry, as your effort grows your experience grows as well.
    If your interested in joining, send me a message
    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Iam interested but i did not understand the concept

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