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Thread: How much you earn daily and you way to earn online?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2012

    How much you earn daily and you way to earn online?

    lets discuss your daily earning and your ways to earn online

    i earn by microworkers, adfly, and some ptc sites

    and you?/

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2012
    I would say don't waste your time on these sites for just few cents. Invest your time to make big money online. I Use ShareCash to make $10+ per day. pm me for free methods.

  3. #3
    Hi, I did not know that microworkers exist, until now. I am gonna use it to buy some small jobs. I use already fiverr to buy some SEO jobs.
    If you are good at microworkers, you should register at fiverr and offer your jobs.
    I earn money developing my websites... and my new baby directories.
    PTC sites owners generate fake accounts to sell them as referrals and to rip money from advertisers, by generating fake traffic. That's all for PTC. I used to buy ads there but stopped doing so, long enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If you have good quality writing skill so you can easily make money by selling your mouth words.

  5. #5
    Currently making about 2-10$ a day, depends on the day. I'm in a few daily % sites and a few others. Slowly climbing my way up

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    In sportsbetting the monthly profit can vary a lot from breaking even to even 80% in a single month (my highest gain was like $400 in a month), but I found it to be the fastest and easiest way to make money online because all you have to do is make the bets and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes per day. It has its risks, but the higher the risk higher the gains. If you're interested you can PM me.

  7. #7
    From 1 ptc site, adroid apps and from ad platforms.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    I own great survey panel site earn good money from it
    check it now

  9. #9
    Administrator admin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    hi, this is a good idea for the discussion topic.

    income 1)
    im running and several similar forums. From time to time someone is interested to buy banner ad for like 5-10 USD monthly. Or someone buy Ad automatically via some banner ad network like buysellads. Income can be like $1,5 daily. But this income is not witout work. One need to keep forum cleen, fix bugs, keep paying webhosting and domain, keep backups...
    income 2)
    Im also having my own blog where i write & publish paid articles or my own articles to promote my skills (writing, SEO, webhosting, PHP script installations), from time to time, someone buy. that makes like + $0.10 daily maybe
    income 3)
    im having Adsense paid to click ads on my sites, that makes around + $0,5 daily
    CashBB is a moneymaking community. Not a member yet? Get CashBB account now.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2015
    You can make decent money on platforms like UpWork, Freelance. Fiverr is a bit worse option. There is a plethora of employers who will pay you decent money if you are skilled for the offered work and if you know how to negotiate.

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