is a new innovation in the advertising industry.Our Members can earn from profit share pool by purchasing Ad packs that cost from just $10.00 per unit which gives you 10,000 advertising credits.Members are paid 10% daily including holidays.That is,with us you not only get exposure for your site but also get paid for it ! We accept major payment processor such as Solidtrustpay,Liberty Reserve,Egopay and
Perfect Money.
Anyone can join in our referral program, Active Investors and Free Members will earn a 10% Referral commission of all deposits made by their direct referrals. For example, you refer someone who deposits $1,000, you will earn $100.00 which you can withdraw anytime. We have provided different promotional materials in the members area that you can use to promote AdzIncome responsibly.
You're assured a Guaranteed investment return. Minimum spend is $10 ( 1 share) and there is $10,000 (1000 shares) maximum deposit per user. You may make an additional spend as many times as you like. You earn 10% Referral commission in our both plans. You get paid 10% daily for 20 Days from our one and only plan.